
Prematurely aged...
The rugged warrior sits pondering...
For he was a Warrior of Sword and Spirit...
His Graying hair matches the worn and turning colors of his armor...
The weathered skin matches his soul...
The tiredness shows under his eyes...
Matching the weariness of his heart...
Yet his eyes still twinkle...
Showing the spirit underneath is still strong...
The eyes still glow of the flame...
The Flame that is his love...
The eyes...
Looking into a future that seems too far away...
Looking at a life that must be led...
Looking into the future of days left for him to live...
The eyes...
That have seen the glory of his lord...
That have seen the start and end of wars...
That have gazed upon beauties untold...
The eyes...
Holding secrets still...
Holding his childrens love...
Holding back the years...
The eyes...
The eyes...
a slight tear of joy and pain.....
knowing he will remain...
The eyes...
Always the same.....
By:MJMansfield (FireEagle/WaterDragon)
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Lady: I lay my hand on your heart a lot....its dear to me...

Old Warrior: *S* ......You are dear to me.......*S* and it is always yours to touch my Love...*S*.....
A rumble forms deep below the Capital........a low growl radiating upward.....
The warrior stands up rubs the tarnish from his shield .......looks at self .......pulls his sword and quickly shaves.......
He holds his head high shaking the age from himself....looks up into the night sky I am yours my Lord and Lady.....Grabs his NightMare.....slides quickly up and into his saddle....

Lady: neat trick......shaving with a sword.....*S*
**fae looks very interested**

Warrior: With a quick yell....he guides his steed unto the star paths....and quickly jumps strand to strand......crossing the webs......that connect us all.........sending his energy head long to the walls to stop him....
past and future a nothing that has never existed..only his love for Lord and Lady.....he grows brighter as he travels..agleam in his eye..of love mischief and glory...

Lady: *smiles brightly*

Warrior: his energy going far ahead of him heralding his arrival.......he beams..pure love.......shimmering upon the night sky......

Lady: *fae feels her heart glowing in response*

Warrior: slowly as he gathers speed...many other lights gather around him.....until he appears as a host of warriors charging...each spirit with him only one be...what is in love his be the lord he needs, be......the ancient warriors hair now dark rich brown losing all of it's age again he is he was meant to be...sending his light before him..sharing..and forcing out the darkness...make room for ...he is many..... Galloping thunder...the air moves in giant cyclones....away from him.....the light flows to his Lady...and suddenly the darkness has form...and it carries....a light upon it....the steed's own war cries...and braces it self....sliding to a stop...great plumes of sparks rain from his hoves.... Brushfires..race away from him.....trailing quickly off into the distance....the steeds breath .....monstorous.....forms crystal showers......covering the ground....

With an etheral scream...shaking living and dead.....he leaps..from his a missle...spraying a rainbow of fire from every pore....a raging fire in him.....he pulls his sword..waves in a wide circle over his head......pushes it forward and in front of him....***SSSHHHuuuunnnkkk****..... Landing behind the sword..before his lady.......let all oppressors feel my wrath..let all oppresed know loves sight...Spreading his arms an almost wing like fasion the fire trails behind his arms he kneels....

Warrior:My lady.....My Faery kin....I am share with lend to send with you.......With fury...I am love......let me serve you......Blessed am I for I know you..bless me again....and let me go for you....into that which dark and muddy..that which shrinks from our touch..let me go with your blessings........***eyes glowing consuming him as we watch yes we..for many spirits still are with this one........****

For my flaming sword knows which victims heart to touch....which soul needs to be burned..scarred with a beauty it cannot comprehend....

I await your words My Lady...he looks up ..all of me is you...but a thought...and it is done.....a finger to point and it is done...with you my love.....*S*....

Lady: **fae shakes herself out of her awe...and walks with soft barefoot steps to her brave Light Warrior.....she places one hand on each side of his neck....and places a soft feather light kiss upon his lips....holds herself there for a long moment....then speaks.. ** he could not survive here...Love...*S* He's gone....back to his own world. *S*

Warrior: with a smile the warrior stands slowly....if all of this was but for that kiss it was not enough you burn I have not been burned before..I am always here.....takes hold of the lady gently by her waist......for you..I cross the world the ether the distance to great..if but to let you see you have my support..I Love You My *fae.....I love you with all that I am...bows..his head a happy tear forms..looks up and gently kisses his lady.....I am yours......

Lady: and I am yours....

Warrior: and it is....Sweetness..*S*

Lady: *tears falling*

Warrior: oh love..raising hand to catch them......licking one gently from my finger oh my sweetness......{{{holds her tightly refusing too ever let her go}}}

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The warrior
And his beautiful fae
Standing quietly, smiling
Her, leaning into him
Head upon his chest
His hand upon her heart
Her hand on top of his
Fingers entwined
Both of their hands upon the hilt of her mighty sword
Looking out inlove
With love
Amazed and pleased
Watching the world, they are recreating
The King and Queen
Royal in their beauty together
From their palace oflove
From the heart
Instead of standing upon the great podiums of gold, silver, or crystal
They stand at ground level
Upon a rough hewn granitefootmarker
Grounded in the love that let’s them soar
Smiling, Loving, Being....
By: MJMansfield 1/23/98
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